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Dance Parties

Taking classes is enjoyable in itself - especially the more you get to know us - but the real fun is dancing at a party!  A typical program is composed of about a dozen dances, plus or minus, with a brief intermission where refreshments are offered.


Our two informal parties are held annually in our usual location, with a potluck meal, in place of a regular class session. 


In addition, we regularly host the following two events here in Frederick - COVID permitting! Last year's Hogmanay, unfortunately had to be cancelled... but we will be making up for it with a


Midsummer's Eve Ceiladh

Saturday, June 4, 2022 from 6:00 p.m.

in New Market, MD

Click HERE for more details

The August Workshop


last on Saturday, August 24, 2019,  2:30 p.m.

at the Walkersville Town Hall


This is one of the best deals around!  For a mere $5, and your choice of contribution to the food table, you get a Scottish Country Dance lesson, followed by a potluck supper, AND THEN an informal dance party to end the day.  With dessert at intermission.  That's a lot of entertainment any time of year!  This year's special guest teacher will be a local favorite, Ellen Tiernes.  Click  here to see a sample dance program. (We'll update when the new one is ready)


Special to the evening dances for two of the past couple years, we've added themes with dress-up potential.  So far we've done Doctor Who  (Take a look!) and Sherlock Homes. This year we are encouraging the "Outlander" (18th Century) look!



Frederick SCD

There are also other dances and events in the broader region, including classes held at other locations, twice annual party weekends, and a weekend camp in September.  For additional information, click here.



We occasionally host a big party of our own, such as the dinner dance in October 2014, to mark our 20th year together!  >


Our last Big Bash marked the occasion of our 25th Year in 2019, with a "Masquerade Ball"!  


New Year's Eve Hogmanay

Dec 31, starting around 8 p.m.

location to be announced closer to the event


Making it through another year is cause for celebration, and the Scots know how to do it in style.  


There is a live music performance, alternating every half hour with ceiladh dancing, easy and sociable, taught by Valerie Hill.  There is food, with your potluck additions, punch, and party hats.  The Frederick Pipe and Drums come to visit, and we toast at midnight - BYOB - after a first footing, and close with a good old "Auld Lang Syne" to start the new year right.




(Click here to read about the 2012 party;  it's gotten even better since then!)

Frederick SCD
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