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Dances A


32 Bar Jig for 3 Couples


1- 2: 1st Couple, with two pas de basque steps, cross down passing right shoulders to finish back to back in the middle facing opposite sides. 2nd Couple step up.

3- 4: Joining hands as in double triangles, all set.

5- 6: 1st Couple, pulling back on right shoulders, turn with two pas de basque steps to finish in 2nd place on opposite sides.

7- 8: Joining hands on the sides, all set.


9-16: Reels of three on the sides, 1st Couple giving right shoulder to 3rd Couple to begin. On Bars 15-16, 1st Man & 2nd Lady and 1st Lady and 2nd Man pass left shoulders to finish the reel and continue to dance round one another by the left shoulder to form a line across the dance, ladies in the middle, 1st Lady facing up, 2nd Lady down, and 1st Man on the outside facing up, 2nd man on the outside facing down.


17-24: 1st & 2nd Couples dance a targe. At the end of the targe, 1st Couple is at the top on their own sides, 2nd Couple in 2nd place on opposite sides


25-28: 1st & 2nd Couples half rights and lefts. 1st Man may omit the polite turn on Bars 27-28.

29-3:2 1st Couple dance a half figure of eight around 3rd Couple.

After the completion of their second repitition of the dance, each 1st Couple, nearer hands joined, dance down to fourth place, 2nd & 4th Couples stepping up on Bars 1-2


Devised for Andrew Parker Johnson, whose device is "God is my Shield", by his mother, Susan Johnson, his grandmother, Jean Fish, and his friends of the Frederick Scottish Country Dancers, in honor of his birth, March 24, 1997.






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