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Dances G


32 Bar Strathspey for 3 Couples

1-8: 1st C and 2nd C poussette right round

9-16: 1st C lilt in, cast off below 2nd C, dance below 3rd C, cast up and in, to finish back to back in
center, facing 1st corners. 2C step up on 3-4.

17-18: 1st C and 1st corners set advancing to change places. 1st C, pulling back right shoulders, finish
facing across the set. Corners finish in the center facing each other. 
19-20: 1st Lady and 2nd Lady, and 3rd Man and 1st Man cross to opposite sides giving right hands,
while 2nd Man and 3rd Lady dance around each other right shoulder in the center, to face 1st C,
who are in second corner positions. (3rd Lady faces 1st Man, 2nd Man faces 1st Lady.)
21-22: 2nd Man and 3rd Lady set advancing with 1st C to change places. 2nd Man, 3rd Lady finish
facing across the set, pivoting the short way at end of 2nd setting step). 1st C finish facing each 
23-24: 1st C dance around each other right shoulder and out to 2nd place on opposite sides. All will be
on opposite sides. 

25-32 1st ,2nd ,and 3rd C set, dance right shoulder gypsy turns around their partners 1 ½ times to finish
on their own sides. All set.


Devised by Ellen Ternes.

My grandmother, Marion Gibson Walker, played the mandolin when she was a young woman in Scotland. She met my grandfather, William Walker, one night when he was playing piano in a band in Glasgow. She sat in and played her mandolin--the rest is history. Both of them died before I could meet them, but I think their love of Scottish music has been passed on through the generations.






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